The Smith and Wesson 500 is the most powerful production revolver in the world.
Due to government restrictions, the Smith and Wesson 500 is very likely to hold that title for a very long time -- the government will not allow honest citizens to own handguns in a caliber greater than .50!
The 500 S&W cartridge generates 2,600 foot pounds of muzzle energy. This is a pistol you can hunt bears with.
All of that energy requires a massive frame for safety, and a massive frame to help the shooter absorb the recoil. To handle the load, the Smith and Wesson Model 500 is built upon S&W's Extra Large Frame. With am 8 and 3/8" barrel, the Model 500 weighs an enormous 72.5 ounces.
Articles on the Smith and Wesson 500
Smith and Wesson's New .500 Magnum Revolver
At the 2003 SHOT Show, Smith and Wesson introduced to the shooting industry a new and massive revolver, built on what they refer to as their new X-frame. The new frame was built especially for their newest handgun cartridge: the .500 Smith and Wesson Magnum. The new frame is the largest ever built by S&W, but with a few changes is very similar to the double-action design that has proven reliable for over 100 years.
Smith and Wesson's Monster Magnum
Chambered for an all-new .50-caliber magnum cartridge, the new S&W Model 500 double-action revolver needs no hype.
Top Gun: Smith and Wesson crowns the new king of handguns with its Model 500 S&W Magnum revolver
With its 8-3/8-in. barrel, the overall length of the Model 500 is 15 in. and the empty weight is 4.5 pounds. The cylinder alone is almost 2 in. in diameter and approaches 2.25 in. in length. Thumb the cylinder open and five charge holes await. Each is 1/2 in. in diameter, and the .50-cal. cartridges they hold are almost 2 in. long. Load five of them and the total weight of the handgun climbs to 5 pounds.
King of the magnums: S&W's .500 master-blaster
There are enough sixgunners desiring the biggest, baddest and latest handgun, that Smith and Wesson's production line should be kept busy producing Model 500s for a long time. The King is back on the throne. Long Live the King.
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